Wednesday 31 May 2017

Posture Correction

I'm glad I took those photos yesterday. I knew I had some defects in my posture due to sitting too long at computers, slouching and the like but this really brought it home to me.

Having done a little research it appears I have quite the laundry list of posture defects. Starting from the top:

1) Head forward

Also known as Kyphosis where the neck is angled forward instead of pointing up vertically

2) Round Shoulders

The shoulders slump forward instead of being aligned properly behind the 'centre-line' of the body

3) Lower Cross Syndrome

Also known as Anterior Pelvic Tilt, where there is an excessive curve in the lower back and the pelvis is tilted forward

To a less obvious extent it seems that I may also have uneven shoulders and hips where one side sits higher than the other.

I'm going to do a little more research and look at what exercises I can do in tandem with convict conditioning to help me correct all these imbalances.

I've also ordered a posture support which should help me maintain correct posture when I'm not exercising.  I'll talk more about that when I receive it.

In the meantime, these are some of the links I found in the course of my research for those that are interested:

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Photos - Week 1

I thought twice about sharing these, but I thought this would be the best way of keeping track of my progress.

I'm in relatively good shape for a 43 year old man but we can see here, especially in the side views that there are notable posture issues. I hope that CC can help me start to correct that.

First workout complete

First workout complete. Seemingly simple exercises but deceptively tricky to complete with correct form.

Shoulderstand Squat:

1 x 10
1 x 15

Notes: I could have done more but decided to take it easy. I noticed some tightness in my lower back as I touched my knees to my forehead.

Vertical Pull:

1 x 20
1 x 20

Notes: I actually enjoyed this. I kept my shoulders tight and my chest out. Possibly went a little too quickly but that's fairly easily addressed.